Dermaplaning & Dermabrasion

This manual exfoliation technique leaves the skin looking smoother, more radiant, and allows skincare products to penetrate more effectively.

What are Dermaplaning & Dermabrasion?

Dermaplaning is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that involves the use of a sterile surgical scalpel to gently remove the top layer of dead skin cells and fine vellus hair, commonly known as "peach fuzz." This manual exfoliation technique leaves the skin looking smoother, more radiant, and allows skincare products to penetrate more effectively.

How They Work

During a Dermaplaning session, a trained skincare professional uses a scalpel at a 45-degree angle to carefully scrape away dead skin cells and fine hairs from the surface of the skin. This process not only exfoliates the skin but also stimulates cell turnover, promoting a fresh and rejuvenated complexion.

Treatment Areas

Dermaplaning is typically performed on the face, including the forehead, cheeks, chin, and the area around the lips. It is an excellent option for addressing dull skin, fine lines, and achieving an overall smoother texture.

Candidacy, Safety & Side Effects

Dermaplaning is suitable for most skin types, but individuals with active acne or certain skin conditions may not be ideal candidates. A consultation with a skincare professional can help determine whether Dermaplaning is the right choice for your specific skin concerns.

Results, Longevity & Maintenance 

The results of Dermaplaning are immediate. After the treatment, you can expect to see smoother skin with a more radiant complexion. Makeup application becomes smoother, and skincare products are absorbed more efficiently, maximizing their effectiveness.

Prep & Appointment Expectations 

Before a Dermaplaning session, it's advisable to discontinue the use of retinoids and exfoliating products for a few days. Cleanse your skin thoroughly, and avoid sun exposure to minimize the risk of irritation.


Post-treatment, it's essential to protect your skin from the sun by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen. Hydrating and nourishing skincare products are recommended to support the skin's healing process.

Pain, Healing & Downtime 

Dermaplaning is a virtually painless procedure, and many patients find it relaxing. There is minimal downtime associated with Dermaplaning, and patients can resume their regular activities immediately after the treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

All you need to know about your treatment so that you feel prepared for your visit. If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • Yes, when performed by a trained and experienced skincare professional, Dermaplaning is a safe and effective exfoliation technique.

  • The frequency of Dermaplaning depends on individual skin concerns. Many people choose to have the treatment every 4-6 weeks for optimal results.

  • Yes, Dermaplaning can be combined with other facial treatments, such as chemical peels or facials, for enhanced results.

  • No, the fine vellus hair removed during Dermaplaning will grow back at the same texture and thickness.

  • Dermaplaning can be suitable for sensitive skin, but it's crucial to communicate your concerns with your skincare professional during the consultation.

    Ready to experience the benefits of Dermaplaning? Schedule a consultation with our medical esthetician to discuss your skincare goals and determine if Dermaplaning is the right choice for you. Unveil smoother, radiant skin with this transformative exfoliation technique!