PRP Hair Treatment

an all natural treatment that USES your body's own natural healing proteins and cells

What are PRP Hair Treatments?

PRP is obtained from your body's own natural healing proteins and cells. This is an all natural treatment that elevates the results of a microneedling service. PRP is a very safe treatment option to be used on any area of the body to assist in scar reduction, skin brightening, skin tightening, youthful skin, even skin tone, hyperpigmentation reduction, and more.

How It Works

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is obtained though your own blood - it is the plasma, platelets and growth factors that make up the gold liquid you see being injected! These components combined with microneedling encourage greater cell turnover, follicle stimulation, collagen production and much more! This means you’ll see thicker and better quality hair. PRP is great for hair thinning most prominently seen in the hairline, widows peak, and crown of the scalp. PRP can also be used for facial hair regrowth on beards and eyebrows.

PRP is truly the liquid gold that creates incredible results.

Treatment Areas

PRP can be used to treat areas of the face/scalp with hair! Here are the most common areas for a PRP Hair Restoration treatment:

  • Widows Peak

  • Hairline

  • Crown

  • Beard

  • Eyebrows

Candidacy, Safety & Side Effects

PRP is a great treatment for most hair types and ages! If you are looking to treat areas of hair thinning, hair loss that has occurred within the last 5 years, hair breakage, hair loss due to medication or illness, hair damage from colour treatments, or maintain hair quality - this is the treatment for you! Your plumpitupp practitioner will assist you in finding the perfect treatment area(s).

Please note PRP is not for individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding. The treatment cannot be done on individuals with active cancers, certain blood borne illnesses, or infections.

Results, Longevity & Maintenance

Each individual will experience different timelines in their treatment plan. On average, you will begin to notice the results of your PRP Hair Restoration treatment in as little as 2-3 months! Some clients may even begin to notice results after the first treatment. Significant results are visible at the end of your customized treatment plan.

You can expect your results to last over several years, with maintenance treatments completed biannually!

Prep & Appointment Expectations

The length of each PRP session will be individualized to your area of concern and your individual anatomy. On average, each treatment session will be 40 minutes - 1 hour long, with blood draw and PRP generation included in this time frame.

PRP sessions should be completed once monthly, however, best results will be seen when you create a customized treatment plan with your plumpitupp practitioner. It is important to be consistent with your treatments - results can take up to 3 months to see.


There is little down time for this incredible treatment! You may notice some redness and slight tenderness in the areas treated for up to 72 hours. In very rare cases, you may experience slight bruising. However, most clients can resume their normal activities the next day! It is always advised to keep the scalp clean, without hair products, excessive sweating, or head garments for a minimum of 24 hours post treatment.

Pain, Healing & Downtime

There is little down time for this incredible treatment! You may notice some redness and slight tenderness in the areas treated for up to 72 hours. In very rare cases, you may experience slight bruising. However, most clients can resume their normal activities the next day! It is always advised to keep the scalp clean, without hair products, excessive sweating, or head garments for a minimum of 24 hours post treatment.

Each individual will experience different timelines in their treatment plan. On average, you will begin to notice the results of your PRP Hair Restoration treatment in as little as 2-3 months! Some clients may even begin to notice results after the first treatment. Significant results are visible at the end of your customized treatment plan.

You can expect your results to last over several years, with maintenance treatments completed biannually!

Frequently Asked Questions

All you need to know about your treatment so that you feel prepared for your visit. If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is obtained through your own blood - it is the plasma, platelets and growth factors that make up the gold liquid you see being injected! These components combined with microneedling encourage greater cell turnover, follicle stimulation, collagen production and much more! This means you’ll see thicker and better quality hair. PRP is great for thinning most prominently seen in the hairline, widows peak, and crown of the scalp. PRP can also be used for facial hair regrowth on beards and eyebrows.

    PRP is truly the liquid gold that creates incredible results.

  • The length of each PRP session will be individualized to your area of concern and your individual anatomy. On average, each treatment session will be 40 minutes - 1 hour long, with blood draw and PRP generation included in this time frame.

    PRP sessions should be completed once monthly, however, best results will be seen when you create a customized treatment plan with your plumpitupp technician. It is important to be consistent with your treatments - results can take up to 3 months to see.

  • Immediate Post-Treatment Period:
    Mild Discomfort: Some patients may experience mild discomfort or soreness at the injection sites immediately after the procedure. This is usually well-tolerated and tends to subside quickly.

    First Few Days:
    Avoidance of Intense Activities: It's advisable to avoid rigorous activities, such as heavy workouts, in the first few days post-treatment to minimize the risk of irritation or swelling at the injection sites.

    First Week:
    Avoidance of Certain Hair Products: Patients are typically advised to avoid using harsh hair products or styling tools immediately after the PRP session to prevent any potential irritation or interference with the healing process.

    Gentle Hair Washing: Patients can usually resume gentle hair washing within a day or two after the procedure. Your healthcare provider may provide specific instructions on when it's appropriate to resume your regular hair care routine.

    Long-Term Recovery:
    Gradual Results: While some patients may notice initial improvements in hair texture and quality shortly after PRP Hair Restoration, the full benefits become more apparent over the following wee

  • Each individual will experience different timelines in their treatment plan. On average, you will begin to notice the results of your PRP Hair Restoration treatment in as little as 2-3 months! Some clients may even begin to notice results after the first treatment. Significant results are visible at the end of your customized treatment plan.

    You can expect your results to last over several years, with maintenance treatments completed biannually!

  • PRP is a great treatment for most hair types and ages! If you are looking to treat areas of hair thinning, hair loss that has occurred within the last 5 years, hair breakage, hair loss due to medication or illness, hair damage from colour treatments, or maintain hair quality - this is the treatment for you! Your plumpitupp practitioner will assist you in finding the perfect treatment area(s).

    Please note PRP is not for individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding. The treatment cannot be done on individuals with active cancers, certain blood borne illnesses, or infections.

  • PRP can be used to treat areas of the face/scalp with hair! Here are the most common areas for a PRP Hair Restoration treatment:

    · Widows Peak

    · Hairline

    · Crown

    · Beard

    · Eyebrows

  • Yes! PRP Hair Restoration is an imperative part of the Hair Transplant process. In order for the new hair grafts to continue surviving in your scalp, PRP is a necessary treatment. Please advise your plumpitupp technician to create a customized treatment plan in accordance with your surgeon.

    It is most commonly recommended that PRP Hair Restoration begin 3-6 months after the Hair Transplant surgery.